What extra features do I get by connecting to WiFi and registering my WiFi 9000 Color Touchscreen Thermostat?
Last updated
When connected to the My Total Connect Comfort web portal and mobile app, the Smart WiFi 9000 gains access to a variety of features and functionality. In addition to the thermostat controls, internal settings are available, as well as settings unique to the thermostat “location” and mobile app itself.
To use your thermostat remotely, registration must first be completed at www.mytotalconnectcomfort.com. Once registered, the My Total Connect Comfort mobile app can be used to control the thermostat, as well as the web portal. (Registration can only be completed at the web portal currently)
*Integrations with 3rd party applications / devices (such as Google Home, Samsung Smart Things, etc.) can only be completed once the thermostat is registered at My Total Connect Comfort. When integrating with these 3rd party devices/apps, make sure to select the app version you are currently using when prompted by the 3rd party application. (ex. – North America users that select the Honeywell Internationl My Total Connect Comfort app, instead of the North American My Total Connect Comfort app may experience inability to control their device)*
Smart features include:
- Remote control of your thermostat from your mobile device
- Managing users and schedules on the go
- Voice control through Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and more
- Rewards from your utility
Account Settings:
Edit My Profile – Modify your name, address, and email or delete your account
Change my password – enter a new permanent password
+Grant Customer Support Access – allows Customer Care to access your account for troubleshooting / maintenance
+Add Location – create a new location to register devices
+Grant User Access – add / remove other account holders access to your locations / devices
Location Settings:
Modify / delete the location name, type, and address. Add / remove notification contacts. Add/remove devices.
Thermostat Settings:
High temperature notification – 32°-104° : Immediately, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1-6 hrs
Low temperature notification – 32°-104° : Immediately, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1-6 hrs
High humidity notification – 5%-95% : Immediately, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1-6 hrs
Low humidity notification – 5%-95% : Immediately, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1-6 hrs
WiFi connection lost notification – 1-6 hrs offline
Failed to make changes notification – Immediately, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1-6 hrs
Repeat Notification reminder – 1-6 hrs
All Clear notification - Immediately
Heat/Cool system notifications - Once
Thermostat Functions:
Setpoint: Adjust the desired temperature of your home
Mode: Change the system mode (Settings include: Heat, Cool, Off, Auto, and Em Heat [Emergency Heat] depending on the configuration of your thermostat. Auto mode is only available if your thermostat is configured to use Auto-Changeover. Emergency Heat is only available if your thermostat is configured for a heatpump with emergency heat.
Fan: Change the Fan setting. (Settings include On, Circulate and Auto). On turns the fan on permanently, Auto only turns on the fan when Heating or Cooling is being provided. Circulate runs the fan 33% of every hour.
Schedule: View / Modify the current schedule or enable Geofencing
Outdoor Weather / Forecast: Display current outdoor weather (based on zip code related to accuweather) and display 5-day forecast
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