Turn Geofencing On/Off on Honeywell Thermostat

Last updated

Geofencing is automatically enabled for your location when the complete the geofencing chapter of installing your Lyric thermostat. You can choose to skip the geofencing set up if you don't want to use that feature, or if you'd rather configure it later.

To do so, press the "No Thanks" button. You can turn geofencing on or off by tapping the menu icon in the top left corner, and then tapping the location where you want to set up a geofence. To turn it on, slide the "Geofence this Location" switch to On (green). You'll then want to configure your Geofence Settings. Click [here] to learn how.

To turn geofencing off, slide the "Geofence this Location" switch to Off. All location-based shortcuts triggered for all users will be disabled (shown as a greyed-out Shortcut) on the Dasbhboard. The "Geofence Settings" option in the settings menu will disappear until the "Geofence this Location" setting is reverted to On.

For more information, please watch this instructional video:


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