With Second Nature, your first order is free and you never pay shipping. Available in the contiguous United States (excludes Alaska and Hawaii).
We partner with local energy providers to offer rebates on thermostats.
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This offer void where prohibited by regulation or law. Offer good in the U.S.A. Purchase must be made from a participating Resideo contractor between December 11, 2019 and February 29, 2020 and postmarked within 30 days of your date of service. Must submit valid MAC ID and demographic information in order to be eligible. Please allow 4 to 10 weeks for delivery of the physical card reward option. Resideo is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, mutilated, illegible, postage due or misdirected mail, or non-complying submissions. Non-complying submissions will not be returned. Keep a copy of all submitted materials for your records. Use of multiple addresses or P.O. Boxes to obtain additional rebates is fraud and could result in federal prosecution under the U.S. Mail Fraud Statutes (Title 18 United Sates Codes, Sections 1341 and 1342). Rebate not valid with any other offer. Redemption limited to one (1) rebate per valid/eligible MAC ID address and up to 2 devices per household address.